
Another week, another book 😅

This time around I stepped away from Agile and I dove into “Measure What Matters: OKRs - The Simple Idea that Drives 10x Growth” by John Doerr.

At my company we have been using Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and I felt I needed to understand them better in order be more proficient in my professional life.

I did an internal training, but I felt I should also take on the recommendation from one of our managing directors and from other colleagues to read this book.

The book is easy to read, with a lot of examples from different organisations using OKRs, from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to Google.

The author shows us the 4 superpowers of the OKRs:

  1. Focus & Commit to Priorities
  2. Align & Connect for Teamwork
  3. Track for Accountability
  4. Stretch for Amazing

Some other takeaways:

  • “Ideas are easy; execution is everything.”
  • “An Objective is simply WHAT is to be achieved”. “Key Results monitor HOW we get to the Objective.”
  • “Continuous performance management is implemented with CFR: Conversations, Feedback, Recognition which give OKRs their human voice.”
  • “Goals cannot be attained without a medium: an organisation’s culture.”

If you are curious you can find a lot of resources here

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Gonçalo Montalvão Marques



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